All file reads are done through a custom, high-performance Git library written for Sublime Merge.The setting show_git_status allows disabling Git integration.Themes may customize the display of sidebar badges and status bar information.Commands have been added to open a repository, see file or folder history, or blame a file in Sublime Merge.The current Git branch and number of modifications is displayed in the status bar.Ignored files and folders are visually de-emphasized.Files and folders in the sidebar will now display badges to indicate Git status.See also the Announcement Post NEW: Git Integration

API: Fixed regression with phantoms interfering with home/end behavior.API: Fixed an incompatibility with SublimeREPL.Linux: Fixed incorrect file ownership in the deb packages.Linux: Tweaked the way text scaling is handled.Linux: Improved high dpi handling under KDE.Linux: Fixed compatibility with old Linux distributions.Mac: Added a workaround for a MacOS issue with DisplayLink adapters.Fixed swap_line_up and swap_line_down transforming tabs into spaces.Fixed block carets changing the way text selection works.Improved scrolling logic in some scenarios.Improved file indexing behavior in some scenarios.Fixed a crash in the Git repository handling.Git: Fixed UTF8 BOMs not being handled correctly in.

Git: Improved performance with a large number of git repositories in the side bar.This can be changed via the allow_git_home_dir setting. Git: Git repositories at the top level of a users home directory are ignored for performance reasons.Various syntax highlighting improvements.